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If you are interested in following a healthy lifestyle, you should know that this lifestyle includes many different elements. One of the elements that many people miss is Detox Baths.
These baths are part of numerous healing diets including the popular GASP diet. The fact is that regardless of your diet, you should definitely include detoxification baths in your routine. Keep in mind that although they have proven to be beneficial, it is always a good idea to seek advice from your physician not just for the baths, but for your lifestyle in general.
Step 1
First of all, start by buying baking soda in bulk from your local store or from Costco if possible. Each detox bath requires the use of 1 to 3 cups of this healing substance. Adults should use 3 cups per one bath while children need only one cup. Hair Buddha comes with strong cleansing and anti-fungal properties. This incredible substance is here to maintain the pH level in the skin and to detoxify the entire body.
Step 2
Get some mineral sea salt or Epsom salt. These two products are very cheap and packed with magnesium which is excellent for the health of joints, tissues and bones and on top of that magnesium supports detoxification. Adults and other individuals that are over 100 lbs. should use 2 cups or even more in their detox bath. Children between 60 and 100 pounds should use one cup while children under 60 pounds need half a cup for a regular bath.
Step 3
There are many places in which you can buy lavender essential oil, so locate one that provides good quality oil and stick to it. Lavender comes with many interesting healing properties like relaxing, healing of migraine and headaches, anti-itching and antibacterial properties. This means that lavender is crucial for the efficiency of detox bath. In case you are focused only on detoxification (and you don’t really need help for stress and headaches), use clove essential oil. You should use between three and four drops of any of these oils in each bath.
Step 4
Make sure to leave about 40 minutes “me time” four times a week. People usually use these moments in the evening. This time is excellent for the healing of the body and mind. In case you add salts in the bath, the magnesium has proven to be very helpful for the sleep process. It turns out that magnesium soothes our mind and help people get quality sleep. In addition, young mothers can use the same bath for their children once the water gets a little bit colder.
Are there any other tips?
Many people suggest that we should dry brush before the process begins. However, it is not advisable (or logical) to dry brush in the evening before taking a detox bath in case you have dry brushed your body in the morning.
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride advises people to change the ingredients in their bath once in a while. In this way we will prevent the chances of developing sensitivity to some products and we can use the different health benefits that come from different ingredients.
In addition, there are two natural ingredients that have shown amazing properties when used as part of detox baths – seaweed and apple cider vinegar. When it comes to apple cider vinegar, just pour one cup of this vinegar in the bathwater (if you have a tub with standard dimensions) or use half a cup for children. On the other hand, seaweed comes in several forms, but many people recommend the ones from Aalgo Organic Seaweed Bath and The Seaweed Bath Company.
The standard time for soaking is about 40 minutes. The first 20 minutes when the water in the bath is very hot (comfortable hot) will support the body’s efforts to move toxins to the skin’s surface. After 20 minutes, the water starts to become colder and the last 20 minutes are used to remove the toxins completely out of our body.
Once you are finished, drink water as much as you want to support the detoxification process. In case you feel tired, have a rest. It is very likely that you will feel a little bit tired because your body was trying everything it could to flush out toxins.
Those who want to take a detox bath before 12 pm should lay down on a sheet for about 15-20 minutes once the bath is finished to rest and get reenergized.
How often and how much should I practice this activity?
Detox baths can be part of your daily routine, but they can also be used at least three times a week if you want to feel the health benefits. In most cases people add at least two of the aforementioned ingredients in every bath they take. It is obvious that using lavender and baking soda is the simplest and most convenient solution.
Don’t forget to share this information with your family and friends and enjoy your detox baths!
Via Eat Beautiful | Medical News Today