These 7 Houseplants Can Relieve Stress, Asthma, Allergies, Insomnia, and More

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There are many plants you can keep indoors to not only decorate your house but also to improve your health in many ways. That’s right. Some plants provide certain health benefits so you might start considering this the next time you buy one, and not focus only on the color and shape of the leaves and flower.

One of the main benefits is their ability to purify the air in your home, helping you get a better sleep quality.

But, this is only one thing you’ll get from having the right plant in your home, and here are few more:

Benefits of Indoor Plants

Nice smellPrevention of colds and various illnessesLess AnxietyReduced StressImproved Brain Function

Therefore, pay attention to the following seven plants and their specific health benefits.

1. Aloe Vera

This plant is popular for its many healing properties, but also for its ability to improve the air you breathe. This was confirmed even by NASA, stating that Aloe Vera plant produces oxygen at night. The increased oxygen levels at night prevent insomnia and ensure a good-quality sleep. We strongly encourage you to keep Aloe Vera not only in your bedroom but all over your house to notice the difference.

2. English Ivy

Besides being one of the best air-purifying plants according to NASA, English Ivy is very helpful for people living with asthma and those with any other breathing problem. This plant can reduce up to 95% airborne mold in your home, thus preventing and relieving mold-related health issues like asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems. It’s the same reason why this plant can help with sleeping disorders.

Note: If you have children or pets be careful when choosing the place for your English Ivy plant, as this plant is toxic if ingested.

3. Gardenia

The pleasant smell of these white flowers will relax anyone who inhales their fragrance. According to a 2010 study conducted by the researchers of the Heinrich Heine University in Dusseldorf, gardenia has a soothing effect on the body and brain equal to that of valium. This makes gardenia a great alternative to sleeping pills. To use the healing power of gardenia scent, make sure you place it near your bed or on the bedside table, and you will quickly relax and fall asleep.

4. Jasmine

The scent of this exotic plant has been proven to help treat and gradually eliminate insomnia. Moreover, inhaling the jasmine scent will make you more alert and productive, at the same time relieving your stress and anxiety.

5. Lavender

The calming effect of lavender scent will relax anyone in your home. In 2008, a group of researchers from the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine in Miami discovered that the fragrance of lavender helps reduce heart rate, anxiety, and stress, as well as calm babies down and improve sleep.

6. Snake Plant

Due to its ability to filter the oxygen, snake plant can improve the air quality in your home. Other benefits of this plant include prevention of headaches, eye irritation, and breathing problems.

7. Valerian

This plant is regarded as one of the most effective in beating insomnia. Valerian plant is used as a sedative and anti-anxiety treatment. Moreover, it’s included in products presented as mild sedatives for nervous tension and insomnia.

This is why keeping an indoor plant is always a good idea, especially if it provides health benefits along the pleasant smell.

Via 1 Million Health Tips

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