This Can Help You Get Rid of Mustache and Other Unwanted Hair From Your Body Forever!

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There are a huge number of women who have to deal with the same issue – unwanted hairs on their face. These hairs appear literally everywhere – above the lips (mustaches), ears, chin, jaw line etc. As you probably know, conventional waxing can be helpful, but the fact is that it can also lead to redness, rashes and acne on the parts of the face that have sensitive skin. Additionally, waxing provides short-term effects and after a while, you will have to perform the same procedure again.

Luckily, there is a 100% natural remedy to get rid of mustache practiced by Middle East women for hundreds of years.
In order to prepare this remedy you need to take two tablespoons of chickpea flour, one teaspoon of turmeric and a small quantity of yogurt or milk. Turmeric is here to provide thorough cleaning of the skin, elimination of dead cells (exfoliation) and other substances that should not be there and in addition, it also supports the proper functioning of the lymph glands. Finally, turmeric is known for its strong anti-inflammatory properties which means that it can improve skin glow and eliminate acne.

How To Get Rid Of Mustache

Take the chickpea flour and turmeric and mix them well. You should get an homogeneous mixture. After that, add the yogurt or milk. Once again, mix them well.

How to Use This Natural Remedy?

Use this mixture on the affected area. Apply it in the direction in which the hairs are growing. Leave it for twenty minutes. Once it becomes completely dry, use a cotton ball soaked in lukewarm water to rub it and remove it.

NOTE: While it is true that the yellowish color that comes from turmeric will provide a good nuance to your face, it is also true that you must carefully wash off all the turmeric content from the face once you are finished. Don’t be worried in case the skin becomes a little bit red because this is only a temporary situation. The strong anti inflammatory properties of turmeric cause this redness.

Perform this treatment for four times a week in a period of 30 days to witness the best effects.

Via My Healthy Food Tips

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