This is What Diet Rich in Coconut Oil Does to Your Heart and Waistline in No Time

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According to a recent clinical study, diet rich in coconut oil (only one tablespoon of coconut oil taken on a daily basis) could accelerate your weight loss efforts and boost your cardiovascular health.

One Tbsp. of coconut oil a day could promote weight loss and boost your cardiovascular health, reveals this clinical study.

See Also: 28 Surprising Uses of Coconut Oil for Personal Hygiene

This new study is very promising for people who are dealing with obesity, overweight and people at risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry can’t provide reliable solutions for these problems.

In the past, nutritionists believed that coconut oil is simply bad fat because it comes with saturated fatty acids which they thought was equal to synthetic saturated fatty acids like margarine. Thanks to the numerous study, we now know that this is not true. As a matter of fact, completely natural sources of saturated fatty acids are praised for their positive effects on human health especially for the cognitive functions.

This new scientific study measured the effects of a treatment based on extra virgin coconut oil especially on the relation between coconut oil intake and level of HDL cholesterol and a wide range of anthropometric evaluations.

They have gathered a group of participants at the age between 55 and 69 years and about 64% of them were males. All the participants had high blood pressure and only 5% of them didn’t have blood lipid profiles that indicated the presence of dyslipidemia and they were practicing drug treatment for reducing cholesterol levels.

In the first stage that lasted for 3 months, 136 participants were following one standardized diet. After this period, the 116 participants who were able to finish the first stage were separated into two groups. The first group had 22 participants and they’ve continued to follow the same diet and 94 of them were using slightly modified diet which included 13 ml or 0.43 ounces of extra virgin coconut oil a day. This amount is equal to one tablespoon.

The final results of the diet rich in coconut oil that lasted for three months has confirmed that the group that has taken coconut oil has notice lowering in all six parameters that were measured:BMS or Body-Mass index – 0.2 per square meterWeight – 0.6 kilos or 1.300 poundsNeck Perimeter – about 4 cm or 1.5 inchesDiastolic Blood Pressure – 3.5 pointsWaist Circumference – about 2.1 cm or 0.8 inchSystolic Blood Pressure – 3.3 points.

In addition, the group that received coconut oil on a daily basis has experienced an increase in HDL cholesterol.

The scientists that were conducting this research have concluded that the non-pharmacological interventions are crucial for the control and management of risk factors in secondary prevention among people dealing with coronary diseases. Their scientific study has confirmed that a diet packed with extra virgin coconut oil leads to reduction of waist circumference and gradual increase of the concentrations of HDL-C.

See Also: 20 Reasons to Keep Coconut Oil in Your Bathroom

The Meaning of “Diet Rich in Coconut Oil”

Even though some people might think that this is an ordinary study, the fact is that we can learn a lot of things from it. For example, at this moment, the pharmaceutical methods used for increasing HDL cholesterol are not based on serious scientific studies. As a matter of fact, a recent study has found out that a huge number of medical interventions are not only useless, but they are also causing harm to our health.

Patients that have very low HDL-C levels and use statins to solve this problem usually don’t experience any improvement. If we think about all the side effects that we can expect from standard pharmaceutical solutions to lower HDL cholesterol it is quite logical to try coconut oil which is completely natural solution with no side effects

In addition, abdominal obesity or midsection fat is one of the factors that contribute to the occurrence of cardiovascular issues and even cardiac mortality. A study conducted eight years ago and published in the popular Circulation journal has shown that midsection fat was the most important factor that leads to heart attack followed by smoking and abnormal lipids.

So, those who are planning to protect themselves against the risks associated with cardiovascular health, should follow a diet and lifestyle that can increase HDL-C cholesterol levels in a natural and safe way and at the same time reduce abdominal obesity and stabilize midsection circumference and Body Mass Index.

Obviously, this is not the first time for scientists to confirm the healing power of coconut oil. As a matter of fact, these positive effects of coconut oil can be confirmed very fast. While we are talking about coconut oil it is worth mentioning that another scientific study where Alzheimer’s disease patients were given one dose of medium chain triglycerides derived from coconut oil. They have witnessed improved cognitive functions after only two hours.

These results are definitely amazing. So, do some research and find out more about the natural ways in which you can raise HDL cholesterol and reduce belly fat.

Via Green Med Info

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