THIS Is What Gummy Candies Are Really Made From! Disgusting!

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Have you ever imagined what are your favorite gummy bears made of? Have you any idea? What is sure is that they are not that healthy, but what is wrong with them?A bag of gummy, for example 20 gummy bears, contain more than 20 grams of sugar, nearly 60% of your daily sugar intake. This quantity of sugar on a daily basis, brings about a vast number of health problems, including cavity, hypertension, increased appetite, diabetes or some heart disease.

Sugar increases the appetite level and that’s why you are still eating your gummy bears at the moment.

This post will definitively make up your mind when you realize the horrific process of production of gummy candies.

You may know that the main component of gummy candies is the gelatin, a substance that gives their structure and texture. But in order to provide that texture of these delicious candies, millions of pigs need to be killed and split in two.

This substance is derived from various parts of animals’ bodies, including ligament, bones, skin and many others. These parts are boiled and dried in order to produce gelatin.

Alina Kneepkens, a filmmaker from Belgium, made some photos in order to draw peoples attention to the production of some of our food.

She claimed that these pictures of various slaughter houses will serve as a true eye opener for the peoples.

Which Other Products Contain Gelatin?

Jell-OHostess CupcakesSkittlesStarburstMarshmallowsM&MsTrident gum.

You can provide the similar texture by using organic agar instead of gelatin. This substance is not derived from animal raw material, but from a seaweed.

Via David Wolfe

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