This is What Happens to Your Liver and Your Brain When You Drink Boiled Turmeric Water

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You must have heard about the amazing beneficial properties of turmeric. This spice is a staple in the Ayurvedic medicine, and it’s been used in the treatment of various health conditions and diseases. However, did you know that regular consumption of this spice is very beneficial for your brain and liver’s health?

Turmeric for Brain Health

The beneficial effects of turmeric on the human’s brain were unknown until recently.

Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric which is seen as a promising treatment for Alzheimer’s. It has been found that this compound can prevent the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaque in the brain of Alzheimer’s sufferers by up to 40 percent.

Since the buildup of this plaque is considered as one of the main causes of Alzheimer’s, this compound is seen as a promising treatment for this serious disease.

As researchers explain, the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin can further help the treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, since it decreases the damage caused by oxidizing agents and inflammation.

People with depression are also using this spice as a treatment for their mental health condition.

Turmeric for Liver Health and Prevention of Cancer

A lot of people are unaware of the turmeric’s effect on the liver function, but curcumin has been used in the treatment of various liver diseases for over a century. Its effects on the liver’s health have been proven in a scientific research that was conducted recently.

According to researchers, these liver-protecting properties of curcumin are due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have proven that curcumin decreases the damage of this important organ, caused by the following factors:

Iron overdoseEthanol (contained in alcoholic drinks)Liver disease (e.g. cholestasis)Cirrhosis (liver scarring)High toxicity levels

Moreover, it was also discovered that curcumin can lower the risk of liver cancer. These cancer-preventive properties of curcumin are due to its ability to reduce the human carcinogens’ effects on the liver.

How to Get the Most Out of Turmeric – Quick Recipes

If you consume raw turmeric, it’ll be hard for your body to absorb its active compound – curcumin. As a matter of fact, you’ll absorb only around 1 percent of this compound. So, if you like to get the most out of it, use high-quality certified organic turmeric extract which contains 95 percent curcuminoids.

However, consuming turmeric on a daily basis will also provide health benefits. More precisely, ¼ teaspoon of turmeric a day can lower the inflammation in your body, thus preventing and treating various diseases.

Turmeric Water

Turmeric water is a great way to get your daily dose of curcumin.

Ingredients1/4 teaspoon of turmeric1 to 2 cups of boiled waterPreparation

Add the turmeric in the boiled water, and boil for another ten minutes. Allow it to cool before drinking.

 Turmeric and Oil or Fat

You can also combine it with some fat or oil to get the maximum of curcumin. Fats improve the absorption of curcumin by 7 to 8 times.

Ingredients1 teaspoon of turmeric2 cups of coconut milk1 pinch black pepper1 tablespoon of coconut oilPreparation

Just mix all ingredients in a saucepan, and heat without boiling. Let it cool a bit, and consume while warm.

Other ways to combine turmeric and fats is adding it in a curry, soup, or any other recipe which has fat in it.

Via Health U | Dr. Mercola | Healthline

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