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The first written record about edamame dates back to the late 13th century when Nichiren, a monk from Japan, wrote a letter to express gratitude to a believer from his area for the edamame gift he decided to give to the temple.
Edamame is a term used to describe undeveloped soybean pods that are reaped before the pods become hard.
About seven years ago, the first soybeans for commercial purposes were developed in Europe. The edamame was advertised as a natural protein and it seems that they have become very popular quickly.
According to some nutritionists, edamame is one of the best sources of nutrients.
However, when we take a close look at the facts about this specific type of soybean we will notice that their claims are exaggerated and in some cases even wrong.
In 2008, the first soybeans were grown in Europe to be sold commercially. The edamame was first marketed as an alternative protein and its popularity has since grown annually.
Chilling facts about edamame – this is the reason why you should exclude edamame from your diet right now
The truth is that soy is rich in phytoestrogen compared to any other type of food. These phytoestrogens represent estrogens that derive from plants and imitate the function and behavior of estrogen in the body. Taking large amounts of phytoestrogen is one of the main reasons for the appearance of uterine fibroids, E Times, Healthline, endometriosis, and weak libido.
Soy is rich in phytates too and these compounds disrupt the proper absorption of minerals. Experts say that nutrition that includes large amounts of phytates leads to mineral deficiencies in developing countries.
In addition, soy is capable of suppressing the work of the thyroid. The isoflavones found in soy can damage thyroid work. Thyroid issues are becoming very common in the United States, especially among young women.
Many experts claim that prolonged exposure to phytoestrogens (found in soy) can produce negative effects on the reproductive system. Women of all ages can be affected by this negative impact.
Studies have shown that the genistein compound can block sperm function and prevent its connection with eggs. Soy also contains trypsin inhibitors that disrupt protein digestion and absorption.
Finally, only 7% of soy is not genetically modified and most soy varieties contain high amounts of pesticides.
Via Medical News Today