This Is Why You Should Never Eat at Jimmy John’s Ever Again!

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You’re probably familiar with the Jimmy John’s restaurant, but have you heard about the latest rumors related to that company?

First, the company does not treat the employees like they are people. Everyone is obliged to sign an agreement that prevents them from working at any other restaurant in a 3 miles’ radius of Jimmy’s restaurant.

However, this is not the worst thing you are going to find out in this post.

The worst part is related to what the company owner does with the money he earns from all that unhealthy food.

Jimmy John is fond of killing endangered animals in Africa.

What you are going to see in this article might be disturbing for you.

According to a report by the Business Insider, Jimmy John has killed rhinos, leopards, elephants and zebras for no special reason but for sport.

He has bought a license to kill an endangered black rhino for $350 000.

Between 2011 and 2014, poachers have killed over 100,000 staggering elephants.

This is the major reason why these defenseless creatures were brought to extinction. It is their popularity that make these poachers to be eager to kill them.

According to the experts, by 2020 the elephants will be completely extinct in Africa.

However, this does not prevent Jimmy John from spending even more money to kill an elephant.

The following video provides some disgusting images from John’s safari adventures in Africa. Surprisingly, isn’t it? Now when you know the whole truth, you will probably stop eating there.

Via David Wolfe

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