Top 20 Cell Phones With The Highest and Lowest Radiation

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We are living in a society that is almost fully digitized and it looks like communication is one of the most important activities in the lives of modern people. One of the most popular communication solutions comes in the form of cell phones (mobile phones).

These interesting devices come with many different features that can help people with their everyday tasks.

This is the reason why most people say that they “can’t live” without their cell phones.

While it is true that cell phones are extremely useful, it is also true that they are potentially bad for our health.

[thrive_link color=’blue’ link=’’ target=’_blank’ size=’big’ align=’aligncenter’]This Woman Was Diagnosed With Breast Cancer, But What Doctors Say Caused It Completely Shocked Her[/thrive_link]

The reputed Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel has recently published a report about their research focused on determining specific mobile devices and cell phones that might lead to harmful effects caused by electromagnetic radiation.

The study that was first revealed in the Biochemical Journal has shown that only one use of some type of cell phones for as little as 15 minutes can result in brain cell modifications related to cancerous cell breakup.

CNET has presented a list of top 20 highest and lowest radiation cell phones.

Check whether you own some of these cell phones.

Via Pro CON

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