Vitamins for Menopause: What Works?

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There are many cases in which even when your plate looks full with everything your body needs, you are actually not getting all the nutrients required to ease menopause signs and symptoms.

There is Help for Your Hot Flashes and Night Sweats + VIDEO

The good news is that when we are talking about hot flashes, there are certain things that you should take into consideration because they have proven to be good for women in menopause.

How To Prevent Hot Flashes

Take a close look at the list of the best five minerals and vitamins that will help you handle hot flashes easily.

1. Vitamin E

Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that vitamin E which is a strong antioxidant can act as a therapy for hot flashes caused by menopause.

Some foods that contain large quantities of vitamin E include almond butter and sweet potato salad.

It is good to know that vitamin E doesn’t provide these positive effects to every woman, but it is definitely worth trying because it is completely natural and doesn’t come with any side effects.

Make sure to seek advice from your doctor about the amount of vitamin E you should take.

2. Vitamin B

The group of B vitamins, particularly B9 or folic acid, has also proven to be useful in cases of hot flashes. If you take this great vitamin from soy you will also bring a few other useful substances into your system like fiber and protein. Some other delicious foods that include soy are soy yogurt, soy milk, miso, and tofu. If you are looking for different sources of B vitamins you can also try spinach, asparagus, and many different legumes.

3. Vitamin C

In case you didn’t know, vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a very powerful antioxidant too. People usually use it together with hesperidin (a substance found in citrus fruits) to lower the effects of hot flashes. In addition, vitamin C stimulates the process of production of collagen which is a very important protein in the skin that can lower itchiness and dryness. By consuming more citrus fruits, you will be able to ease the hot flashes and similar menstrual symptoms.

4. Calcium

Calcium is an essential mineral that is often associated with bone health, especially in women. However, this vitamin and electrolyte can be flushed out from the system during night sweats and sweat caused by hot flashes. According to the NIH or the National Institute of Health, the daily recommended intake of calcium for women between the age between 2 and 50 is 1000 mg ad 1200 mg for those over 50.

5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Even though these nutrients don’t belong to the group of minerals or vitamins, polyunsaturated fats are crucial for the protection of the integrity of cells and they can help women experiencing hot flashes by reducing the number and intensity of these episodes. These compounds are usually found in soy and oily fish, but you can also take sacha inchi supplements and fish to take the necessary amount of omega-3 fatty acids too.

Additional Information

Hot flashes can be activated and intensified by taking nicotine, very spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine, so be sure to limit the consumption of all these ingredients if you are experiencing this unpleasant symptom of menopause. Check the following link to find out more about the things you can do to manage hot flashes symptoms.

Via Healthline

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