What Happens When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey in the Morning on an Empty Stomach

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Our diet has a tremendous impact on our health, so frequent intake of refined and processed foods can sometimes cause serious health problems, as these foods raise the acidity in the body. In such conditions, your liver and kidney can have hard times flushing out the toxins from your system, causing various health issues, like inflammation, nausea, infections, fatigue, and even certain diseases.The combination of apple cider vinegar and pure organic honey will help you restore the balance of your body’s pH levels, if taken regularly. This alkalization will protect you not only from the listed health problems, but also from digestion problems, sore throat, joint pain, muscle pain, etc.

Apple cider vinegar is loaded with niacin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, citric and acetic acid, biotin, pectin, pantothenic acid, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C. Moreover, pure natural honey is high in zinc, vitamin C, iron, potassium, copper, magnesium, thiamine, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and nicotinic acid.

You will gain the following health benefits if you consume this powerful combination on a regular basis:

Required Ingredients

1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar1 tsp. of pure organic honey1 cup of clean water


Mix all ingredients in a glass, and let the mixture stay for 20 minutes.


This drink should be consumed before breakfast, on an empty stomach.

Make sure you consume plenty of water to help the digestion of the mixture. The best thing is to consult your doctor prior to consuming apple cider vinegar, especially if you take diuretics, laxatives, or heart disease and diabetes medications.

Via Healthy Food House | NCBI | NCBI | WebMD | NCBI

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