Why Everyone Should Be Eating More Hempseed

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It seems that a group of older people (one hundred years old or older) in a small Chinese village have discovered how to slow down aging. The solution is found in a very popular seed. The residents of Bama Yao village are known for the huge number of centenarians who live there and people have always wondered how they manage to achieve this.

The fact is that the people of Bama Yao have many things in common with other individuals who live long – they practice a diet packed with nutrients and live in clean and fresh environment. Even though these things contribute to their vitality, it turns out that the real secret behind their longevity is hempseed.

This is not a big surprise for those who know that hempseed is loaded with many different nutrients that can fight different diseases and health issues. The small hempseed is packed with a wide range of minerals, vitamins, healthy fats and antioxidants.  Hempseed contains vitamin A, C, B, D and E, iron, sulfur, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

It also has significant amount of omega 6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids which make this seed great for the cardiovascular system and the cognitive abilities of any individual.

Due to the fact that hempseed is one of the greatest sources of phytol (a powerful antioxidant), taking this seed regularly can help lower the risk of cancer. In addition, hempseed help people control inflammation.

Small Seeds With Great Healing Potential

Chronic inflammation is related to many different health disorders related to the aging process like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. This means that inflammation must be controlled and eliminated. If we reduce the inflammatory response, we will be able to lower the chances of developing some disease. This is where hempseed comes into play.

It is a rich source of omega-6 fatty acid which helps hempseed inhibits the emergence of molecules that support inflammation. In addition, this acid also lowers inflammation by turning itself into prostaglandin which is a well-known anti-inflammatory structure.

Eating Well is an inflammatory condition that can be treated with hempseed balm. More than 17 million people in the US are affected by eczema – a rash that can easily become infected.

In order to check the impact of hempseed oil on atopic dermatitis symptoms, Finish scientists conducted a randomized crossover clinical trial where individuals have taken two tablespoons of hempseed oil or olive oil every day for two months. After that, they have paused for one month. Individuals changed their roles after that. At the same times, participants were asked to keep eating in the same way and to stay away from skin creams.

When they were using hempseed oil, subjects have witnessed reduction in skin dryness for up to 30% and skin itchiness for up to 40%. Olive oil consumption didn’t bring any radical changes. The reason why hempseed oil is so effective is behind its ability to boost the plasma fatty acid content in participants.

How to Bring More Hempseed in Your Daily Routine

In case you want to experience all the health benefits that hempseed brings, but you have never used it before, this is how you can introduce it in your diet:

Put one tablespoon of hempseed oil in your favorite smoothiesPut some whole seeds in baked goods – granola bars, bread, muffins and cookiesSprinkle some hempseed on top of oatmeal, cereal and yogurtUse hempseed instead of pine nuts in the pesto recipe you likeUse hemp seed instead of butter when you are preparing a toastOnce you are finished with the cooking procedure, sprinkle some hempseed on soups and pasta.

Via Natural News

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