Why You Should Start Washing Your Face with ACV

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It may sound strange and unusual that despite the many beautiful products for face care, ACV is at the top of the list because of its healthy properties. When you find out its benefits, you will change your opinion also.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made by fermenting apple juice and you can make it easily at home too. This substance contains beneficial enzymes, bacteria, pectin and various minerals that make vinegar good for your health.

ACV for Age Spots

ACV contains a very powerful alpha hydroxy acid, which helps in removing of dead skin cells, making your skin healthier and brighter. Commercial products for facial wash contain a small amount of processed alpha hydroxy acid, unlike ACV, which effectively invigorates your skin.

If you use ACV for age spots:

Apply a little undiluted apple cider vinegar directly onto blemishes using cotton wool.Leave it on for 20-30 minutes.Wash.

Do this once or twice a day for the next 6 weeks and you will see a big difference!

ACV for Acne and Pimples

Instead of buying expensive creams and various products to treat acne, let Mother Nature do the same in natural and inexpensive way. Even Hilary Duff and Scarlett Johansson use ACV to get rid of the unwanted acne and pimples. Of course, they have money for expensive creams and cosmetic treatments, but they also know this natural way.

Apple cider vinegar prevents acne and skin infections because of its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It also allows the skin to breathe properly by unblocking the pores. Therefore, it is very effective in treating acne and pimples.

ACV not only removes excess fat from the skin surface, it also balances pH levels. Apple cider vinegar balances the production of sebum, which prevents your skin to become too oily or too dry.

How To Use ACV to Cleanse Your Skin

ACV contains a strong acid that can damage the facial skin. Therefore, dilute it with water.

To make homemade toner:Mix equal parts of vinegar and water.For a better effect, you can add green tea, aloe vera gel or witch hazel.If your skin gets accustomed, gradually increase the concentration of ACV. It depends on your skin tolerance.

Remember: Always shake the bottle before using it to make sure the water and vinegar are mixed well.

Before applying ACV to the entire face, test it on a small area of your face (preferably under the chin). It is the only way to see your skin reaction.

Before applying, clean your skin of makeup, grease and dirt.Apply the vinegar on your skin using a piece of clean cotton wool. Be careful in the area around the eyes. If you suffer from break out, keep in mind that vinegar can sting your pimples.If you use apple cider vinegar for the first time, rinse the face with warm water after 5 minutes. If you get no side effects, feel free to continue using it. The best way to use AVC-toner is at night, avoiding sensitivity of UV rays.

Apple cider vinegar is not just for your pretty face. You can use it for the whole body. If you suffer from acne on the back, feel free to apply it using cotton wool or pour the toner in a spray bottle.

Other benefits of ACV for your skin is removing skin tags and warts. It is also an excellent home remedy for acid reflux. Finally, here’s why you should start washing your hair with ACV.

Via Healthy and Natural World

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