Yellow Pills Blamed for Overdoses and Deaths in The Past 2 Days

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There is a new drug out on the streets. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation released the initial results about this drug.

And according to the results, this drug is actually a mixture of 2 synthetic opioids. One of them has new fentanyl analogue. Is a new drug that looks like Percocet.

According to the Crime Lab of GBI, there was no previous identification when it comes to fentanyl analogue and with the tasting took more time.

Meanwhile, in Middle Georgia the is still increase of the number of overdoses, this might be a connection with the street drug.

On Wednesday, the Department of Public Health of Georgia announced that there had been 6 new cases of overdoses and these cases are probably linked to this street drug.

There was a link of the street drug to dozen hospitalizations in South and Central Georgia and 4 death cases.

Luckily the other dozen cases luckily were not fatal. The Georgia Poison Center is working along with the hospital to find out if these cases have some kind of connection with the cluster of overdoses on Tuesday.

According to the investigators, the overdoses that was announced on Tuesday were reported in a 2-hour span. That was in Albany, Centerville, Warner Robins, Perry, and Macon.

Also, they suspect that the drugs are sold in other areas of the state. But they are not sure about the quantity that is out on the streets.

Patients bought these yellow pills because they thought that they are buying Percocet. According to the Director the Poison Center of Georgina, Dr. Gaylord Lopez, what is concerning is that it may go beyond the cluster in Macon.

And also Dan Salter that is a Special Agent in Charge in the Drug Enforcement Administration i.e. DEA reported that Mexican drug cartels are making oxycodone, and fentanyl into Percocet pills and they also manufacture other pills.

Furthermore, these people are making a good living on the back of addicts, and the addicts are their target.

Nelly Miles, GBI, says that the law enforcement is actively trying to track down the source and where these drugs are actually coming from.

The patients were unresponsive, unconscious and also the had problems breathing, and most of them required ventilators.

Ira Katz, pharmacist, from Little Five Points of Atlanta said that he has concerns about the things that have the same label as Percocet.

The method to cut poisons and fentanyl with Percocet is known. This pharmacist explains that they crush it and they mix things up and put them in powder packs.

Recovery center in Marietta called The Zone was established by Missy Owen the Executive Director. She established this recovery center after the death of her son Davis in 2014. He died from an overdose of heroin.

She fears that  pressed Percocet can make abusers feel some false sense of security.

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Owen believes the pills are more and more popular on the street. Also, the kids still think that pills are safer that heroin.

Emergency responders should be very careful when they respond to calls about the pressed pills, advises the Bureau of Investigation in Georgia.

Make sure to use the proper protective equipment, lab coats, and gowns.

Source CNN

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