You Can Replace an Hour of Exercising Using a Glass of Red Wine

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Do you feel lazy to work out at the gym? Are you fond of red wine? You can drink red wine and you can replace your exercising! Many studies found that moderate consumption of red wine can reduce the risk of certain conditions, especially heart diseases.

The French Paradox

Red wine is a result of the fermentation of whole, dark-colored grape. It abounds in antioxidants, which promote the overall health of the body. Also, it is often believed to be responsible for this “French paradox”. The French people have lower rates of heart diseases despite the excessive consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat due to the consumption of red wine.

Red Wine Contains Powerful Antioxidants and Plant Compounds, Including Resveratrol

Grapes abound in many antioxidants such as catechin, Resveratrol, proanthocyanidins, and epicatechin. It’s Resveratrol and proanthocyanidins that provide many of the grape’s health benefits.

Resveratrol resides in the grape’s skin and is produced in some plants as a result of injury or damage. It fights blood clotting and inflammation, reduces the risk of heart disease and even cancer.

Resveratrol and Exercise

Recently, a study conducted by the University of Alberta in Canada has proven that Resveratrol; a compound contained by red wine can be beneficial to the human body compared to the benefits provided by sports activities.

Jason Dyck, head of research said that red wine can be a solution for everyone who is not able to do regular exercise.

Resveratrol is able to provide the same benefits as what is given by some physical exercises.

Its compounds can also improve heart health. According to Dyck, the compounds would be more appropriate if used by patients who really do not have the opportunity and ability to exercise.

We can also obtain Resveratrol from peanut butter, blueberries, and dark chocolate.

Red Wine Lowers the Risk of Stroke, Heart Disease, and Early Death

Life Hack provides more health benefits than any other alcoholic beverage. Moderate consumption of red wine will lower the risk of heart disease by promoting the level of HDL cholesterol in the blood. It can reduce the oxidative damage caused by LDL cholesterol up to 50%.

Regular consumption of 1-3 glasses of red wine per day, 3-4 days of the week can lower the risk of stroke in middle-aged men. Moderate wine drinkers have a lower risk of death and heart disease than non-drinkers or spirit of beer drinkers.

However, bear in mind that moderate consumption of red wine reduces the risk of heart disease, but an excessive one just increases the risk.

Other Health Benefits of Red Wine

Most of the benefits of red wine are attributed to its powerful antioxidant properties. However, it abounds in many other, including:

  • Lower risk of cancer. Moderate consumption of cancer can reduce the risk of some cancers such as basal cell, colon, prostate, and ovary cancers.
  • Lower risk of dementia. As we previously mentioned, it can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
  • Lower risk of depression. Those people who usually drink 2-7 glasses of red wine per week are less to experience depression.
  • Lower insulin resistance. Just two glasses of red wine per day can reduce insulin resistance.
  • Lower risk of type 2 diabetes in women.

How Much Red Wine You Should Drink?

There is no need to worry if you consume red wine in moderate doses. In America and Europe, moderate doses are considered to be:

  • Women: 1 – 1.5 glasses per day;
  • Men: 1-2 glasses per day.

According to some sources, you should have 1-2 alcohol-free days per week.

Bear in mind that this refers to total alcohol intake. You shouldn’t combine red wine with other alcoholic beverages, because in that way, you can easily exceed the moderate consumption.

Via The Daily Meal | Thinking Humanity


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