You Must Try These 7 Essential Oils For Hormone Imbalance!

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Nowadays, hormone imbalance is one common medical problem that affects both women and men. It is characterized by weight gain, insomnia, fatigue, mood swings, depression, and fertility problems. When left untreated, it can cause serious diseases such as diabetes and even cancer. However, there are some potent essential oils for hormone imbalance that you must try.

7 Essential Oils For Hormone Imbalance

1. Clary Sage Oil

According to a 2014 study, inhalation of this essential oil can reduce the levels of cortisol by 36% and significantly improve the thyroid hormone levels. Statistically, the clary sage oil has proved highly effective in the reduction of cortisol and the improvement of mood.

2. Thyme Oil

Recent research has found that thyme essential oil is rich in potent progesterone-balancing properties. It improves the production of progesterone, a hormone that is typically low in both men and women.

Low levels of this hormone can lead to PCOS, infertility, depression, and other hormone imbalances in the body.

3. Lavender Oil

Along with the pleasant scent, lavender oil abounds with many beneficial qualities. One prominent benefit of lavender oil is its ability to balance hormones. Also, it relieves the pain from abdominal cramps that result from menstrual symptoms.

One well-known symptom of a hormone imbalance or PMS is feeling depressed and emotional without any reason. Also, it is proved that lavender essential oil can reduce these feelings of depression and stress.

4. Sandalwood Oil

This essential oil is capable of so much more than balancing the testosterone levels in both women and men. It can be a potent natural aphrodisiac that improves libido. So, to help your body improve the hormone levels add sandalwood oil to your homemade lotion or deodorant.

5. Basil Oil

As we have mentioned before, the adrenal glands are responsible for the way you cope with everyday stress. This is because the adrenal glands produce cortisol, the “stress hormone.”

After six weeks, about 39 percent of the participants showed lower stress symptoms including exhaustion, sleep problems, and forgetfulness.

Basil oil increases the body’s natural response to both emotional and physical stress. The researchers have conducted a study that examined the effects that basil oil has on stress in women and men.

6. Lemongrass Oil

The ovaries are responsible for the production of progesterone and estrogen. When there is no balance between these hormones, the body experiences symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, PMS, and infertility.

According to a Dutch study, the compounds found in lemon peels can significantly improve liver functions by lowering liver cholesterol thus regulating hormones. The lemon essential oil has the same compounds as lemon peel which enables it to balance the hormones successfully.

7. Myrtle Oil

Statistically, around 20 million Americans experience some form of thyroid disease, but around 60% of them are even not aware of it. The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in the body, including control of the body’s temperature and metabolism.

According to many studies, myrtle essential oil can normalize the hormonal imbalance of the thyroid and the ovaries as well.

How to Use These Essential Oils for Hormone Imbalance

Combine some essential oil with coconut oil and rub the mixture on different parts of your body. The skin will absorb the oils into the body.Add 2 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of clary sage oil, and ¼ cup of Epsom salt to a warm bath. Soak yourself in the bath in order to relieve the PMS symptoms.One potent aromatherapy formula for hormonal imbalance includes a mixture of 2 drops of lavender essential oil and 2 drops of clary sage essential oil.

Source David Wolfe | Marcelle Pick | Marcelle pick | NCBI | NCBI

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