You’ll Be Amazed By What They Discovered About Pomegranate Juice

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There are millions of men and women all over the world that use pharmaceutical drugs in order to lower blood pressure cholesterol. Even though these drugs provide positive results, a few studies have shown that they can be quite harmful too. For instance, statins used for lowering cholesterol levels have been linked to more than three hundred side effects.

The good news is that there are some natural solutions that are equally effective. One of them is pomegranate juice. A recent scientific research has shown that this juice has the ability to enhance the work of the cardiovascular system and reduce the chances of experiencing heart attacks and heart disease.

It Turns Out That Pomegranate Juice Can Turn Around Arterial Plaque, Enhance Blood Pressure, Lower Oxidative Stress and Enhance LDL (bad) Cholesterol Factors

Clinical Nutrition magazine has recently revealed a scientific study which claims that patients suffering from carotid artery stenosis who were drinking pomegranate juice for three years have lowered typical carotid media thickness and stabilized LDL oxidation and blood pressure.

The scientists managed pomegranate juice use for twelve months and discovered that this juice turns around the process of plaque buildup in the arteries of individuals diagnosed with chronic carotid artery stenosis. This health condition blocks up to 90% of the inner carotid arteries.

What’s The Importance of This Finding?

What you need to put your focus on is lowered intima-media thickness/dimensions. This so-called intima media represents the focal portion of carotid arteries. It turns out that this media can easily be inflamed and slowly form arterial plaque that consists of immune cells, oxidized fats and similar debris. If this situation is left untreated, the sufferer can experience blocked arteries, a health condition that is often deadly.

So, any product that can ease or reverse intima media thickening in a safe way is a revolutionary product because it can solve the cause of atherosclerosis. In addition, this breakthrough may be able to lower the death rate in people suffering from cardiovascular problems.

It is good to point out that this clinical trial included a total of 19 patients, 14 men and 5 women between 65 and 75 years. All of them were non-smokers. One group that consisted of ten patients took 50 ml or 1.69 oz of pomegranate juice each day for twelve months and half of them decided to continue with this practice for two more years.

The rest of the patients (nine patients) took a placebo. All patients practiced similar lifestyle and had similar blood pressure, glucose levels and took similar medications.

So, what were the final results? Well, patients who took pomegranate juice for twelve months have experienced lowering of the average intima media thickness in both right and left carotid arteries. In the first 3 months this reduction was 13% and after 12 months the reduction was 35%.

I addition, patients who took pomegranate juice also witnessed improvement in the levels of blood pressure, oxidative stress, cholesterol levels and plaque lesion stability.

So, what can we conclude when we compare these results to the ones people get from standard pharmaceutical drugs which by the way should be taken forever.

While it is true that we cannot give you suggestions about the medications you should take or avoid because this is the job of healthcare professionals. But, you should feel free to conduct your own experiments and research and evaluate things.

Just think about this – what is more logical – to use pharmaceutical drugs that contain synthesized chemicals or to make changes in your lifestyle and diet by including more natural and organic foods packed with nutrients and some regular physical activity?

This is not something difficult and every person can do this. These foods are tasty and they can be found everywhere. The best part is that you can’t experience any side effects. Of course, don’t forget that the best results are obtained by taking raw, fresh, organic fruits.

Via Herbs Info

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