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Coconut oil can replace numerous personal hygiene products loaded with various chemicals. But besides this purpose, it has 150 other uses. Nevertheless, today we will present just 28 of them, with their focus being personal care.
Coconut oil has a wide range of health benefits. It has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is an antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and antibacterial agent, which helps in enhancing our body’s nutrient absorption ability. You can find this oil in grocery stores or in your local health food store. Many people recommend using Healthline, saying that it has far better taste and smell than any other natural coconut oil.
Coconut Oil Uses for Personal Hygiene
Here are the 28 uses of coconut oil for personal care:
1. Pore Minimizer
Coconut oil tightens the pores, making your skin soft and smooth. It prevents bacteria and dirt from entering into the pores, thus preventing the appearance of acne.
2. Dandruff
Thanks to the incredibly moisturizing properties of coconut oil, it can reduce scalp itching and flaking. Moreover, it can help balance the oil secretion from your scalp, which is the main reason for the formation of dandruff.
Simply, rub some coconut oil on your scalp with gentle massages before bedtime. The next morning, use raw vegan care shampoo to wash your hair in order to avoid any dangerous chemical irritants that can further worsen your dandruff.
3. Stretch Marks Cream
Thanks to the nourishing and healing properties of coconut oil, it can treat your stretched and damaged skin. Rub some oil 3-4 times a day to reduce the appearance of your stretch marks.
4. Cuticle Cream
Coconut oil softens the cuticles, so it can help to push them back.
5. Aftershave
If you apply coconut oil after shaving, you will heal the irritated skin bits, nourish your hair follicles, and relieve razor burns.
6. Hair Gel
You can easily style your hair with coconut oil, so it’s a perfect replacement for your hair gel.
7. Tattoo Healing
Use this oil to prevent the fading of your tattoo, as well as to hasten the healing process. It will also ward off any infection.
8. Hair Conditioner
For smooth, silky, and glossy hair, use coconut oil as a hair conditioner. It nourishes your scalp and hair follicles thanks to the many fatty acids it contains.
Apply 2 teaspoons of coconut oil on your hair, and allow it to stay for an hour, or leave it overnight. The next morning, use all-natural shampoo to wash it off. Moreover, apply apple cider vinegar as a conditioner for shiny hair.
9. Eyelash Conditioner
We shouldn’t forget our eyelashes as they are also hair. Spread some of the oil on your fingers and apply it to the tips of your eyelashes before sleeping.
10. Massage Oil
Not only that it smell wonderful, but coconut oil can help you soothe your aching muscles. This is why you can use it as a massage oil.
11. Natural Deodorant
Commercial deodorants can contain aluminum, as well as impose the risk of cancer. You can use this oil to replace them as it possesses natural anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. Coconut oil can kill bacteria, yeast, and fungi. So, the next time you need a natural deodorant, just rub some of this oil on your armpits.
12. Hand Cleaner
Coconut oil is an effective hand cleaner as it possesses antibacterial properties. Just rub some oil on your hands and massage it for 30 seconds. Wipe it first with a warm damp washcloth, and then with a dry washcloth. Your hands will absorb the remaining oil. It is especially beneficial during the dry and harsh winters when will prevent your hands from cracking.
13. Exfoliator
Use some coconut oil as a skin exfoliator, and then just brush the dead skin cells with some scrubby washcloth. At the same time, it will hydrate your skin. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which will help remove the dirt off your skin.
14. Chapstick
You can moisturize and hydrate your lips with coconut oil. It protects them from sun damage as it has a natural SPF, so it also prevents them from peeling.
15. Prevents Wrinkles
You can use this oil to tighten and strengthen your skin and connective tissues. It will give you a fresh and younger look. To prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, apply it as a nighttime facial moisturizer.
16. Burns
You can heal burns by applying some coconut oil to the affected area. Don’t stop applying it until your burns are completely healed. It will hasten the speeding process and prevent permanent scarring.
17. Varicose Veins
Coconut oil is as well beneficial for treating varicose veins. Massage it on the affected area 3-6 times a day, until you notice positive results.
18. Vaseline Substitute
Not only that coconut oil is a safe and natural substitute for Vaseline, but it is as well thousands of times better.
19. Nail Strengthener
Protect and strengthen the laminated keratin layers (that protect the nails from the environment) by rubbing some of this oil on your nails.
20. Eye Cream
To hydrate the skin around your eyes, apply a bit of coconut oil to this area before going to bed. The next morning, your eyes and face will feel great.
21. Body Scrub
report this adYou can make a natural scrub for your body and face by mixing three tablespoons of coconut oil and two tablespoons of sugar or salt.
22. Makeup Remover
Pour some of this oil on a cotton pad, and rub your makeup. After that, use a natural soap product to wash your face.
23. Toothpaste
To make natural and fluoride-free toothpaste, mix coconut oil and baking soda.
24. Prevents Split Ends
You can use coconut oil to fix your problem with dry split ends. For best results, cut your hair before applying the oil. Your split ends will be drastically reduced.
25. Insect Repellent
Use this amazing oil to repel all kinds of insects. Moreover, you can use it to increase the shelf life of your existing insect repellent. Always check the ingredients of commercial insect repellents and avoid those that contain DEET, as they are harming the body and the environment.
26. Lubricant
Use this oil as a natural lubricant. It will give you an amazing feeling in the bed, however, make sure you don’t use it with condoms as it can influence the plastics.
27. Sunscreen
As this oil has natural SPF (Sun Protection Factor), it protects the skin from sunburns. The next time you go outdoors, rub some coconut oil 20 minutes before leaving your home to allow its absorption.
28. Heals Bruises
If you apply some coconut oil to your bruises, it will hasten their healing process, and reduce the swelling and redness.