Ginger for Gorgeous Skin and Hair

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Ginger is the most widely used home remedy for sore throat, upset stomach, and nausea.

Also, this available and affordable spice can improve the look of your skin and hair.

If you are looking for some cheap and effective beauty treatments, keep reading!

Slows Down the Skin Aging

Daily consumption of ginger tea can fight the skin aging signs. This is a result of ginger’s ability to control inflammation which can cause assortment and aging of the skin. So, constant consumption of ginger will prevent the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

Treats Acne and Pimples

The chemicals that are present in many acne and pimple creams contain harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin. If you apply some ginger on your skin, it will kill off the bacteria that cause acne and will soothe the painful and red skin issues. So, apply some ginger tea on a cotton ball and treat the affected area. This treatment is beneficial even for those with sensitive skin.

Makes Your Complexion Glow

Ginger will help you liven up your skin and will make it look radiant and healthy. Take a small slice of fresh ginger and massage your skin with circular motions. The ginger will improve blood circulation, provide your skin a lovelier color, and will supply it with oxygens and nutrients.

Soothes Minor Burns

If you have some minor burn strikes, wash them with lukewarm ginger tea in order to fight the bacteria. This will prevent some infections to your skin. Also, it is an amazing remedy for sunburn. Chill a cup of ginger in the fridge for several minutes and then apply it to the affected area. You can also crush some fresh ginger root and apply it to the painful sunburn.

Improves Light-Colored Scars

Certain home remedies such as milk, ripe papaya, and lemon juice are important remedies for dark-colored scars. However, ginger is a perfect natural solution for a light skin tone. For optimal results, cut thin pieces of ginger and secure them with some tape. Leave it for 40 minutes and then repeat it for a week.

Reduce Cellulite Effectively

The ginger improves blood circulation and thus improves the appearance of cellulite. You can make a powerful cellulite remedy by:

¼ cup of olive oil2 tsp. grated ginger½ cup of sugarLemon zest

While in the shower, massage the problems areas for a few minutes. Practice this treatment very often.

Stimulates Hair Growth

If you face some problems with hair loss, you should warm a cup of ginger juice and massage your scalp. If you practice this massage before shampooing, you will stimulate the growth of new hair as well as you will prevent dandruff. It’s the antimicrobial properties that make ginger a potent natural solution.

Via Health Digezt

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