Have You Heard What Happens When You Drink Water on An Empty Stomach?

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Have you heard that in Japan is popular to drink water on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up?

Why is this the case in Japan only?

Why you have to drink water on an empty stomach?

Japanese scientists recently came to the amazing discovery, that water can heal the oldest and many serious diseases, such as:

Drink Water On An Empty Stomach – Treatment

In the morning before brushing teeth – Drink 4 x 5,oz (160ml) glasses of water;Brush your teeth, but do not eat or drink anything for the next 45 minutes;After 45 minutes – You may eat and drink normally as always;After 15 minutes of every meal – Do not eat or drink anything in the next 2 hours.

Those who cannot drink so much water or they are old and sick, they should initially start with a smaller amount and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.

In the following list, the number of days required for the proper treatment of disease is given:

30 days – high blood pressure;10 days – gastritis;30 days – diabetes;10 days – constipation;180 days – cancer;90 days – tuberculosis (consultation with an expert);Arthritis – Patients should use this treatment only 3 days in the first week, and each day starting from the second week.

Apart from frequent urination, this treatment has no side effects. After this treatment, you should continue to drink water on an empty stomach. Drinking water in the morning should become your daily routine. It will be a great prevention of further disease.

The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water. Maybe it is time to change our habits. However, the mortality rates in these two countries are lower than in America. Nothing to lose, it’s time to start. Cold water after a meal strengthens fat and slows digestion. So solid fat absorbed in the intestine and the entire process leads to cancer. It is better to drink hot soup or hot water after your meal. By the way, do you know How Drinking Water Has Changed My Life?

Finally, I ask you to not ignore this article and drink water on an empty stomach. Share it with all friends who you care about. You may save someone’s life.

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